There's been a lot happening lately, many changes in life, and talking about relationships, well my friend and I had been thru a lot. We are one in the same....
I'm just so fuckin' depressed now and it must be same for him too. Exams, school work , projects...and recently his relationship with his*eehem* girlfriend had gone down, quite badly, but hopefully they're still friends.
As for me, I'm trying quite hard to get along with her (my GF). It seems like there's a gapping hole between us that is keeping us apart, but she does seem to take this relationship of ours seriously. However, the most fearsome of all is misundestanding. I don't want her to feel hostile towards me but I was in relief when she finally shared her thoughts with me. It was a good newsand the bad news is... rumours of both my friend and I are spreading like diseases in class now.
It's best not to mention his name (my friend's) , cause maybe I would be mudered in school, who knows?
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