Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Eminem vs. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cannon

Nick Cannon Tweets the High Road in Eminem Feud

In what is probably a good move for him, but a bad one for celebrity gossip sites who love a good feud, Nick Cannon took to (what else) his Twitter page to address the ongoing battle between his wife Mariah Carey and rapper Eminem.

Cannon Twittered various philosophical, Biblical quotes about rising above anger and not giving in to revenge: "Never take your own revenge, but rather give place unto the wrath," read one of his messages on the social networking site.

He also included a direct Bible quote, "'I will bless those that bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.' Genesis 12:3" and insightful thoughts like:

"Those who feed into negativity must examine there [sic] purpose on this earth."

Screw You!Nick and Mariah Photo

Eminem vs. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cannon: A feud that shall not end.

The Tweets are a reaction to Eminem's latest track, "The Warning," in which the rapper goes after the Cannons directly, and swears he had a previous relationship with the singer, with the nude Mariah Carey pictures to prove it even.

Eminem initially ripped Carey in the song "Bagpipes from Baghdad." Carey got revenge by portraying a stalker in her video "Obsessed" that looked remarkably like Eminem, though Carey and her husband have denied any parody.