Sunday, March 13, 2011


Holidays~ from the pressure, any kind of pressure....
Wait! That is not true at all!
Okay, unsatisfied with it, here's the problem people,
We get even more homework during the pityful holidays.
Hmmm...might as well we don't get one, and come on, is this a joke to teachers?
Or the guy who always hangs the word of " consistency" by his lips?
This is quite unacceptable for me. However....who or what am I to speak of the ridiculous issue?
Fine, let me get over with, or I might chew up a dog! Seriously.
We, humans are quite, no, literally bound to pressure. Pressure from work, pressure from school, pressure of being a perfectionist. I attended a church session today, and something caught my attention. Okay, basically, what the pastor said was " We, humans of this era, are stuck, bound to the word INSTANT, we do not want to wait! Have you ever noticed why is there INSTANT coffee? Instant tea? Instant noodles? Instant everything! Even the teenagers nowadays say 'Love at First Sight'. They fall in love with the first look, poof! INSTANT!" Now, that was something good to be reminded of. Till here, fellows gotta get ready for drama practice~ =D